Awedacious Marketing Hub
The Client
Awedacious Marketing Hub is a marketing agency located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. They help companies build market shares and grow avenue through market focus strategies which include a comprehensive marketing consultation, marketing audit, marketing plans, hiring and development, strategy building, and design and digital marketing services.
The Challenge
Iremya is a human-driven digital service solution that delivers support and empowerment for mental and emotional wellbeing. Through their digital platform, the app connects members of the public with trained professionals to support their mental health, emotional wellbeing, and career development.
Upon the completion of the platform, Awedacious sought our expertise in the area of digital analytics for both the website and the mobile app. They needed the best tool to track, measure, and report on activities including traffic, visitor source, and the user interaction so that they can understand what is happening on their platform and get insights on what’s working and what’s not.
The Solution
After a lively discussion with Awedacious, we both agreed to install Google Tag Manager to track the visitor behaviour and also Google Data Studio which is a tool that turns your data into informative, easy to read, easy to share, and fully customisable dashboards and reports. We also trained the Iremya staff on how to use Google Analytics and Google Data Studio.
The services we offered:
- Analytics Implementation
- Google Data Studio integration
- Training
The Result:
- The Google Data Studio allows them to share and explain their data in multiple ways such as heat graphs, pie charts, time-series graphs, and many more
- They can pull data from multiple sources such as Google Analytics, Google ads, YouTube, CloudSQL, Search Console, and more.
- They can share Data Studio reports easily with colleagues and make changes to the reports in real-time which is a massive time saver for Iremya.
- The marketing team could create easy-to-read reports for everyone making it a stress-free process to share critical data.
- It allows dynamic reporting so that they could pull real-time data into their reports too
- This interactive feature of Google Studio allowed the decision-makers to visualise data easily.
- Our advanced and in-depth training on analytics helped the staff to handle analytics and data in a most efficient way helping accurate and fast decisions.